
You can stop peeing yourself from sadness, I got back from not interneting.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Republicans are Masochistic

You know bloody well what I mean.

Lasars are the only way to go my friend

Someone is coming to my house.End of story, for now.And I'm wondering how many hornets Cruz has amassed over the spring break.The ants are getting worse...I'm waiting for my dad to call the exterminator and finish them off. (I'm done with long winded posts who ever reads this, this is about as bad as it'll get though.)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The statue got me high.

Using my Brennan Broker(Copy righted and trademarked, don't get any ideas you filthy mud wallowers) I am getting a game without being at the store.Instead I'm typing this! Aren't you glad?I'm also replacing a duck that died without the Brennan Brokers figuring out that it was dead.Yes, I know this was on quite a few shows, but it works.Trust me.But you don't now do you?You're all waiting for the moment I crack, go insane, and start putting car batteries in the local pool.