
You can stop peeing yourself from sadness, I got back from not interneting.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Epoch's must have, must download.

This a list of music and programs/computer stuff you need to have. Let's start with music.
1.They Might Be Giants, Flood (album).
I went to see this in concert and I almost passed out laughing. And it was great music.They actually drastically changed the songs in concert so they sounded different, making sure you had to have been there.
2. Violent, Femmes Greatest hits (album).
Punk/Folk blend, only better than Gogle Bordello. Because these guys don't need to advertise on morning edition. 80s band, and an ass load of swearing. Buy from Slackers or a sane music store, not Wal-Mart.
3.Pixies, Doolittle (album).
Bread and butter of hard core grunge/punk. Almost metal. IF you like grunge or punk you'll love this.
4.Nirvana,(any album).
Great grunge band, more of punk if you ask me. Grab anything.
The albums are not exclusive, so get any album by these bands. Or Modest Mouse or REM.
The software/ games list will come later.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I have Flood, and I have Nirvana! And there is nothing better than GOGOL BORDELLO.
