
You can stop peeing yourself from sadness, I got back from not interneting.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Finished chapter 4 (Holy hell this is hard!)

Chapter 4
We Fall out (start of extended edition, scrapping school project feel)

As it turns out, the missiles didn’t kill us. We were trapped, sleeping in the building, which had taken no damage due to the lock down stasis and the activation of the fall out status for the master building. And, had we been outside, it would not have mattered. After so many years of environmental abuse, the human race had evolved to be radiation proof. At least, the people who worked. We were exposed to so much radiation, it would’ve killed the planet one hundred years earlier. But, through the poor working conditions and mass exposure of earlier generations, we were virtually radiation proof. In fact, it had become a source to eat away building toxins in our bodies. We had come to need the very thing that should have destroyed us. We had done nothing, as this was one of many clone silos, so to speak. We had destroyed factories, and released a number of things that had been held by the government. We had also altered the landscape; again. We had made it more of a desert than metropolis. One thing to thank C for, taking away one of the millions of reasons to hate him.

After mulling the situation over and deciding things were no better than worse, aside from the fact that we had decimated the continental population (Which wasn’t exactly overcrowded to begin with), I decided to wake up Derrick. I shook his shoulder and he mumbled something. Probably best to get to him later. I gave Selma a light tap on the shoulder and she stretched.

“What happened? I knew he’d pull something like this, we should’ve killed him when we had the chance!” Selma screamed, balling her fists.

“What’s going on? Why were we asleep? I thought I turned the security stuff off…” Derrick mumbled groggily, rubbing his eyes.

Selma’s screaming had woken up most of the soldiers, and Derrick.

“I’m guessing Roy has taken the rest of the troop somewhere else. I can’t believe I trusted that writhering maggot. Let’s try to find him. Hopefully I can put my hands around C’s neck while we try to find them. ”I said, grinding my teeth in anger.

I walked up the stairs, and was greeted by an empty hallway, littered with corpses of bluecoats and broken gun turrets. I followed the chaos, troops, Selma, and Derrick, right behind me, until we came to Roy.

“I hate that stupid fucking little arrogant joker. I should’ve killed when I had the chance. This isn’t the way things were supposed to be. He just decided to bomb everything. When I catch that sniveling little  dumbass, I’m going to kill him and hang his body for everyone to tear apart.” Roy yelled in anger, all direct towards C.
“We better get out of this building, said Derrick, piling a couple of mortars at the base of the wall. He walked back a few feet and fired a shot into them. They exploded, blowing a make shift exit in the wall.

“Better get going. I have no idea what’s out there.” Selma warned.

“I’m going to find that idiot. I hope I see you again.” Roy announced.

“Pleasure working with ya.” Derrick  said as he waved without turning around.

“Bye. Try to find us if you kill him.” I yelled, hoping that I would find him first.

“So Greg, where are we going?” Selma asked.

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