
You can stop peeing yourself from sadness, I got back from not interneting.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Here I am, at one a.m., downloading roms.

This is an update of what I'm doing. I got Bahamut Lagoon and Live A Live, both for SNES, one of which never hit the U.S. . If the companies don't want it to be bought in the U.S., fine, I can ROM just as well. Suck it, Famicom. And I went to see Avatar. The sentence sum up: Humans come to planet. TREE IS ANGRY! Humans get ded. Hot Damn, what a plotline. And I've been trapped in my house for the last few hour due to the bitter cold. It sucks.


  1. I heard it was Dances With Wolves, but with aliens...

  2. Yep, but this time there's a big ass, impossibly sized tree on a hostile planet that lacks any herbivores. I'm serious, you see nothing eating plants the entire goddamn movie.I'm waiting for a Maddox rant on this one.
