
You can stop peeing yourself from sadness, I got back from not interneting.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Internet culture/unculture: So, trolling. How does someone do it?

Trolling is that magical art of satan on the internet that lets you fuck with other people over the internet. But, people react differentially to different things. Some people hate racism, some hate just bitching and moaning, others hate some of the other trolls mentioned a while ago. So, how do you bother someone that bad with words? Some people just can't be trolled. Others, like those self diagnosed with autism are incredibly easy to troll. It's just a matter of striking on some hot issue that they have. Like the ''autistic'' people (or people with actual autism for that matter, it's like fishing with dynamite.) or people who play minecraft and are really devoted. Say things that normal people would shrug off to autistic people and then post videos of better games on Minecraft's forums. Don't seem to anti board subject though, just seem to like something better. Start squabbles with unpopular members and then blame them. Start controversial topics, and then stick to one side, but blame others. This is pass the blame game. Just shove it off.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Internet Culture/Unculture:Internet slang dictionary for those people who don't normally use the internet but found this stupid thing.

So, for those people who got a link to here from my facebook page (I'm getting as many readers as I can, because higher numbers= larger ego.), you probably don't know much about the internet (I used italics, things be gettin serious bro). So, I mention a lot of blatantly stupid and cult like phrases and stupid jokes literally NO ONE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH will ever get because they are just that. Stupid. So, some terms I'm going to be using when I talk about the internet.

Meme- Stuff that gets really popular, like the Bed intruder song, bring amberlamps, and some other things like all your base. I have a website with all of this stuff that I might link to (not that anyone will actually READ this, but I feel like I should).

When I type like an idiot- When I misspell things or type with numbers, it's because I'm imitating someone who doesn't know how to ( the shift key. Use it In MoDeRaTiOn.). Other times I'm genuinely misspelling something because I can't use a good web browser like google chrome or, firefox if I have to.

Troll- Some one who tries to irritate other people over the internet. People in online communities use this as an insult if someone is either disagreeing or being retarded or ignorant. I'll mention this a lot because I would really like to find out what bothers people over the tubes versus what would bother them in real life.

Telephone tough guy- Someone who acts tough over the phone or something.

Other stuff- I'll explain as I go along.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Updating is a hassle for everything

A lot of the times people will pester an artist, programmer, or content creator of a different trade to  post more news updates. This is kind of a dumb thing to say, because it takes a lot of time to write a big update for stuff, or a small one like right now. I feel I have to fill up at least five lines in this blogger text box, and that's like, a lot of words. Or space anyway. I feel the claim seems a little inconsiderate, if you take into account that the fan is asking probably has a blog that is dying of neglect (gee, wonder why that was so specific?).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Internet/ unculture- how an troll works

So, if you haven't read the latest article, you can tell I am a crappy troll. But, this is one type of trolling. No, wait, two. Mentally unstable, and discriminatory. These are two of a bunch of types. I'm going to name a few that I know of, and describe them. I put way to much time into this, and should stop.

Mentally unstable-
You know, those guys who like to post crazy stuff and be trans-humanist or have exactly zeron control on their emotions. These ones are also more likely to be puppets, because you don't have to be crazy to act like it. Emos who cry and post suicide threats online, anyone who posts at  three in the morning their time and says stuff about doing drugs, or has some belief system that can hit everyone's nerves is usually a mentally unstable troll. Likes to do a lot of drugs, and tell EVERYBODY about what they do offline and link to weird (read: scary) stuff. Often overlaps with troubled past guy.

teh f0u1 /\/\0u71-1-
They can't type, or are using I.E. eight to call you a homo. Pathetic, usually never gets banned if only due to lack of activity after the first day. Likes to use homosexuality as an insult, and says you have no life without any provocation. The most common type, and usually spams too. They are usually not very smart in real life, or really sensitive and feel like this will get to other people.

Dark and troubled past-
Makes up or has a sob story about how they were psychologically/physically/metaphorically messed up as a kid/adult/fry cook and then continues posting and brings their issues into it. On medication? Most likely! Self diagnosed Autism? You bet! This one usually makes a big story thread for you to show condolences (probably call them out) in. These ones are usually sock puppets or completely fake, but they are actually funny sometimes. When they freak out that is.

Moar of these later, I just want to get this post published.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Magechill's mind- Camp shame.

Alright, I've had this idea for about a month now. It came from my team meetings for some science fair and we kept talking about some obesity problems (standing at five four,I weigh around ninety eight pounds, so I can make fat jokes.) and meth addicts and super farm defense (exploding corn and tazer turrets). Then I kept thinking about fat people, and all of those fat sixth graders taking up half the hallway. And then I thought about fat camps, and, being a dwarf fortress player, creating a hell recognized by everyone. It'd be called camp shame. All of the fat kids would start by having anything over  one hundred calories that they brought with them thrown to the wolverines. After that, they would have their clothes delivered- striped jumpsuits. They would have to lay a brick for every pound they were overweight times four. So say they were twenty pounds overweight, they'd lay eighty bricks.That would be the cabins. If some of them still bricks to lay, they'd start working on the track. After the track was finished (if they didn't brick it, they'd dig it out the grass in the track. The rest would running and taking breaks to feed the wolverines, the one good thing in the camp. They'd be eating army meals and stuff too, and experiencing drill sergeant liposuction, which is a vacuum, a steak knife and ketamine tranquilizers. You get the idea, right?
NOTE: I do not mean anything out of this, but it was from a while ago with a bad idea by me, three other people and the teacher that made us do a group project.

This is being like, reused. Isn't that liberally disturbing?

So, this an old blog, bein re-used. I've matured a lot in these past say, 9 months. A lot things have happened, mainly me realizing I'm an internet troll, and a really bad one. My personality has developed, I found Dwarf Fortress (the best thing to happen, it actually happened before the last blog post, and I found it less than a week before the mega release), started reading MSPA, and a whole bunch of other online media. I developed my political views (whichever party is a means to make healthcare and all that stuff work better, cut out stupid unimportant costs and certain social welfares), and joined bay12, and all that nice stuff. Since then I got a year older, a few hours smarter, and got into better, less crappy media using my laptop to get it (my internet connection where my desktop is located is very, very bad, so I usually latch off of a buddies). So, I guess this is going to be about internet culture and whatever happens in my life then? I could make it work. And ignore all the old posts. I'm leaving those there because I have archive issues, but they are not important at all.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Republicans are Masochistic

You know bloody well what I mean.