
You can stop peeing yourself from sadness, I got back from not interneting.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Internet culture/unculture: So, trolling. How does someone do it?

Trolling is that magical art of satan on the internet that lets you fuck with other people over the internet. But, people react differentially to different things. Some people hate racism, some hate just bitching and moaning, others hate some of the other trolls mentioned a while ago. So, how do you bother someone that bad with words? Some people just can't be trolled. Others, like those self diagnosed with autism are incredibly easy to troll. It's just a matter of striking on some hot issue that they have. Like the ''autistic'' people (or people with actual autism for that matter, it's like fishing with dynamite.) or people who play minecraft and are really devoted. Say things that normal people would shrug off to autistic people and then post videos of better games on Minecraft's forums. Don't seem to anti board subject though, just seem to like something better. Start squabbles with unpopular members and then blame them. Start controversial topics, and then stick to one side, but blame others. This is pass the blame game. Just shove it off.

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