
You can stop peeing yourself from sadness, I got back from not interneting.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Internet Culture/Unculture:Internet slang dictionary for those people who don't normally use the internet but found this stupid thing.

So, for those people who got a link to here from my facebook page (I'm getting as many readers as I can, because higher numbers= larger ego.), you probably don't know much about the internet (I used italics, things be gettin serious bro). So, I mention a lot of blatantly stupid and cult like phrases and stupid jokes literally NO ONE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH will ever get because they are just that. Stupid. So, some terms I'm going to be using when I talk about the internet.

Meme- Stuff that gets really popular, like the Bed intruder song, bring amberlamps, and some other things like all your base. I have a website with all of this stuff that I might link to (not that anyone will actually READ this, but I feel like I should).

When I type like an idiot- When I misspell things or type with numbers, it's because I'm imitating someone who doesn't know how to ( the shift key. Use it In MoDeRaTiOn.). Other times I'm genuinely misspelling something because I can't use a good web browser like google chrome or, firefox if I have to.

Troll- Some one who tries to irritate other people over the internet. People in online communities use this as an insult if someone is either disagreeing or being retarded or ignorant. I'll mention this a lot because I would really like to find out what bothers people over the tubes versus what would bother them in real life.

Telephone tough guy- Someone who acts tough over the phone or something.

Other stuff- I'll explain as I go along.

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