
You can stop peeing yourself from sadness, I got back from not interneting.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Magechill's mind- Camp shame.

Alright, I've had this idea for about a month now. It came from my team meetings for some science fair and we kept talking about some obesity problems (standing at five four,I weigh around ninety eight pounds, so I can make fat jokes.) and meth addicts and super farm defense (exploding corn and tazer turrets). Then I kept thinking about fat people, and all of those fat sixth graders taking up half the hallway. And then I thought about fat camps, and, being a dwarf fortress player, creating a hell recognized by everyone. It'd be called camp shame. All of the fat kids would start by having anything over  one hundred calories that they brought with them thrown to the wolverines. After that, they would have their clothes delivered- striped jumpsuits. They would have to lay a brick for every pound they were overweight times four. So say they were twenty pounds overweight, they'd lay eighty bricks.That would be the cabins. If some of them still bricks to lay, they'd start working on the track. After the track was finished (if they didn't brick it, they'd dig it out the grass in the track. The rest would running and taking breaks to feed the wolverines, the one good thing in the camp. They'd be eating army meals and stuff too, and experiencing drill sergeant liposuction, which is a vacuum, a steak knife and ketamine tranquilizers. You get the idea, right?
NOTE: I do not mean anything out of this, but it was from a while ago with a bad idea by me, three other people and the teacher that made us do a group project.

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