
You can stop peeing yourself from sadness, I got back from not interneting.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Internet/ unculture- how an troll works

So, if you haven't read the latest article, you can tell I am a crappy troll. But, this is one type of trolling. No, wait, two. Mentally unstable, and discriminatory. These are two of a bunch of types. I'm going to name a few that I know of, and describe them. I put way to much time into this, and should stop.

Mentally unstable-
You know, those guys who like to post crazy stuff and be trans-humanist or have exactly zeron control on their emotions. These ones are also more likely to be puppets, because you don't have to be crazy to act like it. Emos who cry and post suicide threats online, anyone who posts at  three in the morning their time and says stuff about doing drugs, or has some belief system that can hit everyone's nerves is usually a mentally unstable troll. Likes to do a lot of drugs, and tell EVERYBODY about what they do offline and link to weird (read: scary) stuff. Often overlaps with troubled past guy.

teh f0u1 /\/\0u71-1-
They can't type, or are using I.E. eight to call you a homo. Pathetic, usually never gets banned if only due to lack of activity after the first day. Likes to use homosexuality as an insult, and says you have no life without any provocation. The most common type, and usually spams too. They are usually not very smart in real life, or really sensitive and feel like this will get to other people.

Dark and troubled past-
Makes up or has a sob story about how they were psychologically/physically/metaphorically messed up as a kid/adult/fry cook and then continues posting and brings their issues into it. On medication? Most likely! Self diagnosed Autism? You bet! This one usually makes a big story thread for you to show condolences (probably call them out) in. These ones are usually sock puppets or completely fake, but they are actually funny sometimes. When they freak out that is.

Moar of these later, I just want to get this post published.

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